Wednesday, October 14

Happy girl ^^

Helllo!!!!!!!!! I am so so so so happy right now!! Haha no particular reason but just :)
I finished my exams which is so shiok la cos i ended earlier than everybody in my cohort. LOL
Also, recieved many good-luck texts for my exams. Thanks so much darlings! ;) I love you all .
So touched to recieve their texts. hehehehehehe ;D
I'm so happy right now i feel like telling the whole world. You know the feeling? you know you know??
tomorrow is dance and i am so looking forward to the perf! but i'm oh-so-nevous manzx.
i'm excited about everything, especially my haircut. but i'll have to fork out some time for that.
not really sure when will it be but hopefully asap. can't stand my irritating frine-not-like fringe fringe. lol!

and it's so stupid that :
1. i forgot there is singapore idol today. will catch it on sunday if i have the time. but most probably no :(
2. ms tam told me i got a fking low score for my chinese. sucks to the hell. affected my mood so much for chem paper. but i managed to overcome it not long after :)

one last thing,
i'm so fortunate to have my friends as my friends, and my current classmates as my classmates. I think they are just so cute!
it's not easy to love everyone so i will not force myself to. i hope i stay so happy FOREVER :D