what matters most is the procedure. I enjoyed it a lot. And very very big thanks to kayal for helping,
without her help, i wouldn't have enjoyed so much. Hehes. Used up all my energy. Damn tired you know, some more
i didnt have enough sleep the previous night. Took bus 67 back home with ram, huiyi & her sis. Alighted at my house bustop.
they wanted me to alight at lot one but i refused, cos i really cannot stand the feeling on me. Had to go home bathe first. Lol.
So came back out to lot 1 again, me & hui yi no fate lor. Haha. I went to get some stuffs then to the library.
I borrowed a book. :D
Very happy lor, finally i'm into a book. laughs. Yea, i'm so happy and contented with my life right now.
everything is so 顺心. :-)
Tomorrow's dance nite all the way till 2230 ! still have tution next morning. :-(
hopefully joey can make it on sat. then everything can be done fast and effectively. Yay. hope tomorrow's a success ! :D
lol, usher. First time wearing blazer. Gonna feel so weird, omg. Hopefully pics can be took at UCC with the dancers and ofcos dova & est :D
Speaking of dova, she's a really good friend :) Loves her. Hehehs. :-P
Wa, i saw that guai lan guy today. Some how it spoiled my mood.
And before i forget, congrats to 3-5 girls for winning the captain's ball tournament of 'B' division ! 8)
Shall end with this picture.