after school, head straight to lvl 4 to assemble. Rehearsals and practically rushing here and there.
If you ever ask me did i ever regretted joining dance, my answer would be no, and it will always be NO. why maybe you would then ask.
because, if not for dance i would not have experienced so much and there wouldn't be such tremendous growth in me.
I would not have grown much more sensible compared to how i was like in the past. I would not have real life experiences like
what is it to be like as an usher, a performer, the feeling of how everything was paid off after so much hard work, also as an audience,
the joy, fun and laughter. They're all something valuable to me. without dance, none of all this would have happened.
Really a big thankyou to mdm zhao and all the teachers of mnd. :)
This is like kind of random, but nevertheless, i'm insist on posting it up. What i witnessed throughout this period really taught me a lot,
and i cherish them . This year is truly a brand new year. I've learnt and experienced a lot which i didn't expect.
I will really keep it as a constant reminder in my mind.
Ok, back to what i'm supposed to actually post. So, being an usher surely wasn't anm easy thing. not like what we expected,
other than we have to be very very polite, a smile on all times, we have to stand for very very long time also -.-
seriously, that is so tiring. and my legs are aching like obviously. The ushers from other schools are all so sociable and friendly.
they were really nice. :-) anyway, the concert ended around 10 i guess. Reached home ard 11plus. The perf was great !
but rgt's still the best k, not i self-praise, others also say that too . Haha :D

Today's a short day and totally a waste of time i guess. I thought it would take me long but just awhile. and because i really
cannot find anything to do, headed home straight. and the thought of having to make another trip down for collection and payment,
really tires me out. Princess Diaries II telecasting on five t'night ! I'm gonna catch it and this explains why i'm posting now. Can't wait for monday to come.
I want PE !!!!! :(