This is sort of like a comeback for me on this site hahaha. I just hope my posts won't bore you out. Lol so anyway this is still rather unfamiliar to me because I haven't blog in such a long time. Give me some time, I'll try to get back on track. Oh btw, decided to move back to blogger despite the problems it brings me once in awhile, because 'home is the best place to be' hahaha
......I'm actually quite unwilling to start the new chapter of my life which is coming in a month time because there are actually many things I can’t bring myself to let go of. I’ve already graduated from my secondary school and posted to a polytechnic now. Time for a new start. Needless to say, I am very excited to make new friends. Fret not, I will not forget my old friends, you guys mean so much to me :')
Speaking of old, I feel really so old. In addition, I'm paying adult fare now, so it's like double old-ness lol. Sigh I don't want to grow anymore, don't want to turn legal. I just want to stay sixteen forever, that'd be perfect. But they say you're only seventeen once, so I'm going to live it good.

Yessah it’s March! This means two things to me, I’ve pulled through the working days in February and my reward is about to come!!!! *grins from ear to ear* 2011 seems to be moving at a far more quicker speed than 2010 did. Very soon, April is going to arrive and I am going to turn seventeen. All I hope for is a year of blessings. I believe with that achieved, everything else will be good. Just… like how 2010 went. For now, I am still standing strong. “As strong as a rock in a raging sea.” Haha enough of that.
I will try to blog once a week or twice if I can squeeze time out… I will definitely be back because I love writing. I like to write about how I feel towards everything that snapped me. However there is a string pulling me, stopping me from doing so.
Picture credits: Tumblr