Monday, November 15

My opinion

You know, because you have exprience does not mean that your advice is really useful. Likewise, people who do not have certain experiences might then be the ones who surprises you with useful advices.

We tend to have this mindset that once certain people around us have had this particular bad experience, we should not try it. Well, why not? If he/she did not do it, what makes you think that others won't be able to do it as well?

Why don't we have confidence in others? Believe in them. They might not be what we think they are. Perhaps, we are just afraid they might fall. But what's life without falls? We fall once in a while and we climb back up. This cycles continues. We shouldn't avoid it. If life's too perfect, you're too cautious. And you'll never make things big.

Some people just needs to learn it the hard way. Let them be.