Friday, October 8

We never know what tomorrow may bring

After one whole week of drama, I realised I am actually much stronger than I thought I was.

Anyway, if you've noticed I am only able to use the computer once a week now because basically I'm rushing to complete my to-dos when I reach home every evening/night. Also, replenish my sleep. I've been catching up on my sleep in class as well! This is how drained I am but I'm not asking for any sympathy la.I won't be going on hiatus just because O's in nearing because I see no point in it. It's not as if you don't use the computer, you will score good grades right?? Haha but I will definitely be using it lesser. There's no need to 'control' anymore. I have so much to do that 24 hours is not even enough so let alone using the computer.That's all I want to say. I'm going to sleep. Good night! haha