Feburary is almost here! there's a list of things to be happy/anticpating about for the month! Time do fly huh? It's almost one month since the first day of 2010! Swear I'm gona be so much more hardworking than I was, in jan! Started to get on track already and things are working pretty well... Anyway I have been VERY happy recently, I have sorted things out and learn to like open up(tho it might be hard at times, as in words can be hurtful, but it doesn't really matter much now, so much more things to handle! who cares? I'll just give them what they give me). I have changed I know, people who hangs out or talk to me frequently, I guess you can sense that? In terms of how, I don't and am lazy to explain. I'm glad I've changed since I said I wanted to at the start of 2010, I feel a hundred thousand truckloads happier now :)
K I feel like changing my site to wordpress.com but I know nuts about wordpress! How? Ha ha ha. I'll go test it out someday when I have the time and if it does works then I will lead you guys to the way there ok! :) I think I am going to burn midnight oil today, sadly people will fall asleep won't accompany me study tgt lor:( then I study myself...
I have :
- 2 papers to finish
- 3 to 4 tests to study for before next week comes
- irritating inference ws to complete!
- revision to do...
This is how my life goes... School > Homework > > Tests > Revisions > Dance > Chingay rehearsals > CNY event rehearsal > Tuition
I need sleep desperately. I tried what Alvin Chua suggested but it doesn't helps lei.

I love this baby!! SONY WX1 BLACK. I want to get it ha ha ha. But I have got no cash :(