Tomorrow I am going down to Town! Weeeee. Then Wednesday I'm not sure yet, gonna get my butt out of the house hopefully. Thursday I'm not sure either have to wait for confirmation lol but hopefully I'll get to catch that long-awaiting-movie I wanna watch! :)
HOHOHO. THIS YR WOULD ME A BORING XMAS FOR ME COS I'LL BE WORKING THAT DAY AND ON THE EVE TOO :( BUT IT'S OK, I WILL ENDURE. LOL Did I mention I'm having my surgery soon, pls pray hard for me. I'm not scared la actually. Maybe because there's still plenty of time. I think I will feel the jitters only on the day itself. Back to main point..
I would like to have this for my xmas present. It cost $549 fyi. Anyone would care to get this for me? It's so cool!(I'll write in the brief description some other time) I want it so badly but I know there's nobody so nice who'll get me this. Sigh...
Fate doesn't want us to meet. It sucks srsly. SO MUCH. TO THE MAXXXZ.