Went back to school for lessons, was rather early. It sucked as usual. Not the lessons, it was .. the........
Forget it. No use mentioning anyway, because at the end of the day No one cares.
I'm starting to feel it was a wrong decision to cut my hair(fringe) but neither do i want to have long long fringe.
So I'm like a bit stuck actually. I don't know what should I do to my hair. lol
Maybe I should put that aside first.
This year has been a really fast one, and somehow, I am scared to face the days as every month passes by.
It is just too fast I couldn't catch. Everything seemed like yesterday. The scene of first day of school is still rather clear in my head.
Flashbacks about this year kept appearing. To me, this year hasn't been a good one. In fact, it was really lousy for me.
How I wish I could repeat my 2008 again.but i know it's impossible, next year O's alre.
like so so so fast! &Frankly, after almost one whole shit year, I have not adapted to the new surroundings, seriously.
On a happier note, I have gained quite a lot of new experiences this year as well as learning new things not relevant to what we learn in school :)
Ok anyway i am so pissed off right now cos i turned on my speaker to listen to some music and yet there's some other music popping out from somewhere else
then i also cannot find where is the music sia. so dumb righttttt. so i turned off my speaker. It took me quite awhile to finish up this post,
too many distractions. Gdnight readers :)