Omg, how can I be so forgetful. Feel so bad right now.
Sorry Xingan! :-( AM I DUMB OR WHAT -.-' Really sia. How can I forget about it and it only rang a bell in my mind when I saw something on the net.
I still promised to give her an answer. Gosh. Really feel so apologetic towards xingan.
Hate following the crowd. Hate to explain.

Love this piece
Still thinking what to buy for Daddy's birthday. Actually had something in my mind at first.
But something else change my mind. Oh well. Will go for a little shopping tomorrow. :-)
And my hair. Really fed up by it. Don't know how should I cut it.
It's been many many months since I cut my hair.
K. I completed both my maths e-assignments. No mood to do the others, will get answers from friends i guess.
Will try to complete chem myself :D
Gonna be busy this week and next week too. Hopefully i can be free on 20th or 21st. Cos father's day is around the corner!
I'll see which day the party is on, then i'll attend it. K, abit confusing here, me don't know what i talking also.
Anyway, i know my blog's very boring la. Because there's limited pictures in my comp. Either in my phone or my thumb :D
so i'm always lazy to transfer into the comp and upload it into the blog. And the computer lags like siao.
Very Very sorry lor.
Lastly, one dumb thing about blogger. The pictures are always so meesily arranged. I've to go through everything in small details just to make it neat, which really has gotten onto my nerves this time.