Friday, July 31
Bad hair day
O-kay, I am going to save up, not going to be tempted on stuffs anymore.
I don't know if I can do it but wish me luck ok ! :D
Some things are better left unsaid.
I really miss those times when we laugh and get together. Golden times.. lol
Maybe because adapting isn't my forte. (So nosensical)
Please click on 'older posts' to look at my posts. I have more than one per day
I don't want to see you every morning.
Why must we meet after 3 years ?
If the affinity was there, it wouldn't have been that long.
I knew so but how ???!
The feeling was still there but yet I didn't realize.
Guys, pls don't ask me so much. Thanks :)
Fyi, if you are worried for me (lol) I'm absolutely alright :D
Happy 15th birthday, Loh Qiuxuan
Happy birthday my love !!
Hopefully you have a wonderful birthday that Zoe planned for you and also like the present I got for you.
Wanted to bake but things cropped up, so ya.. I'm sorry. Ha, I love you many many okay.
Though you are always so irritating. Haha..
Ohya, can't seem to rotate other 3 grp photos. So shall give it a miss.
But just nice, personally, this grp photo is the one i like best okay !! :)
Happy 2nd anni, PP :)
All in order. 100% guarantee! :D
This is one of the best pictures! (To me)
Credits to : Esther I think, I'm not sure who snapped this picture for us.
A very big ThankYou to Weijie for being our 'background' ! I remember we were having English orals that day :)
After the oral, while waiting for Alvin Chua. Something super funny happened aftermath.
Science Centre with 2-4 last yr :D
Birthday party @ Joey's house. 7feb (advanced celebration.)
On 28March. We went bugis. Laugh till peng k!
After rehearsal @ Marina Barrage.
Credits to : Serene
6 pics above were taken on last friday after dance. lol.
Haha, joey must be surprised how I can remember all this so well !
Want to know? Because my memory good ma! :-) lol.
Hmm. I'll just skip all the mushy stuffs as there's one big paragraph at the side. Lol !
Just want to let you know I will love you like always ! And hope that our friendship will last till the end :)
Thursday, July 30
Wednesday, July 29
I just somehow got a feeling.
Okay thanks to you today. I know i cannot put your name down.
Thanks for taking the risk to accompany me.
Hope you are able to come across this paragraph.
I'm sure you will definitely know I'm talking about you :)
Thanks a lot !! :D
Monday, July 27
When time become memories
Sunday, July 26
Saturday, July 25
Going to school without a bottle is torture :(
I have not a single bit of energy now. I was super busy with many stuffs and apparently it used up all my energy.
I wasted my friday night and today's noon which shld be used for revision.
I feel so wasted but I'm really dead beat and can't pluck myself up to do anything alre.
So tired ! Next week gonna be another busy week ahead.
Have to fix my appt asap. I really need a good sleep, for the whole day except for in the morning, i felt energetic.
My eyelids feel really heavy now. Today i can sleep all I want ! And the only day of the week i must say ):
Something is really wrong with blogger. I guess a lot of people are facing this current problem. Sux!
Okay, i'll go watch 天才冲冲冲 later on on youtube. Hopefully it gets me laughing hard enough :)
Thursday, July 23
I hope it doesn't continues this way the next time I use the computer, if not i'll cry lor.
Sighs, I guess i'll have to stay up late tonight to complete many stuffs.
Work's piling up hell fast, and I can't seem to cope thou I think my time is already managed kind of properly alre.
Have tons of revision to do. Really don't like to stay up late when there's school the next day
Makes me very tired.
Dance's a killer today. But i enjoyed.
Just that I really don't like to dance the 1min SYF dance. Sux.
I love the new steps ! :)
Also, today's assembly was the best I've ever seen. God damn touching and the kayaking photo I don't have lor :(
I don't where did they got it from. Walao, I want the photo !!
And Im so damn determined to do well :D
Tuesday, July 21
And here is one by JJ Lin the original singer of 'Down'
So which do you guys thinks it's better ? For me, of course I think the JJ version is better la. Heeees , but still tyvm dansen. :D
Went gym today with ramzanah, kayal and rachel :)
Yea had fun, but the weird thing is Im kind of feeling energetic now. Not that tired like today morning.
I was so restless, my head drop straight on the table when I reach class.
Hahahaha, Im lazy by nature, no help already. Lol !
Once again, like last night, Im talking to so many people on msn. So many orange flashy bars. Really keeping me busy. Great ;)
Talking to ramzanah, walao, she keep making me laugh la.
Something very funny happened in the gym just now, that made me laugh so much, even until now.
She hor, really one clumsy person la. HAHAHA !
What she said this afternoon was right.
Maybe it was insecurity that made me felt this way.
Anyway, here's a video to share with you guys.
Pls meet the most handsome guy on Earth ok :) haha
His vocal really is god-damn nice, I love it so much
Ohya. Kayal just remind me of HL. Damn funny la.
K. shall end here. Many people waiting for my post la. laughs. :P
Monday, July 20
So much has changed. Even I did.
but not totally. Some things about me never changed and never will.
I know it's useless no matter how hard I try to change the fact.
The fact is still the fact. It won't help by turning the world around. I know that, I understand.
But I just can't stop giving myself false hope. I tried very hard. But it just wouldn't go back to how it was.
Maybe our fate ends here. Though I'm really okay now, but if the feeling comes back anytime, it will surely be unbearable.
But i don't admit defeat. That's how stuborn i can be. I tried, but once again i'm hurting myself.
I don't know when will this stop. Maybe we shouldn't even have known each other at the first place.
But all this were destined, we couldn't change our fate.
Thus i'm trying very hard to live life happily and the way I want. And not let you affect me so much.
Sometimes it works but sometimes it doesn't
but i know who my happy pills are. They are the ones who really makes me happy all the time. Well, almost.
I'm alright just wanted to pour it out first before it goes out of hand .
I'm really okay. So much better than last monday okay.
I was like emoshit last monday lol.
Couldn't put myself up to smiling and even talking. What could anything be worse..
Anyway, just wna tell another you.
Avoiding is not a solution. I don't know what made you avoid me.
Is it because of the rumours ? I doubt so.
AIYA, what ever la. Im so lazy to type alre.
I know i use twitter and i don't follow people. Lazy mah
So busy now and exhausted.
Surprisingly, i'm looking forward to this sat's tution. :)
Gymming tmrw and jogging on sat i guess.
Living a happy and contented life. Hope it stays this way as long as possible.
I keep reminding myself to work hard.
I know my last yr's results sucks. That's because i have an unhappy memory.
And you don't comfort me, yet you rub salt into my wound when it is hurting so painfully.
That is something I still can cry about after 10 months. It has never gotten off my mind and it never will.
Lastly i love ram ok ! She always makes me laugh though she is soooo irritating! Hahahaha ! :D
Ohya. I really need a haircut alre. It's been months. Zzz. But i'm afraid i'll cry in the salon. ):
I just intend to write a short post.
I didn't expect it to be that long. lol:D
Hahaha ! Thanks mushroom.
I'm much better already. Thanks to many people. It's really deeply appreciated.
Even though some may only be a short text or something. :)
Went home alone today. Saw the lil crazy WXY on my way home. lol !
had a good chat with her on the bus, glad to see her too :)
Hope to meet up soon with xingan and the others. :D
We said we are going to go study . What an 'outing' isn't it ?
"Things do change. We have to learn to adapt."
It's scary how things change so drastically. And it's scary how you change so drastically.
It useless no matter how hard I try to go back to the past.
The feeling's just not right.
Saturday, July 18
Anyway, as I've said, pls tag to show that you're here ok !
mushroom told me something that made so much sense, yea i agreed. it was quite true.
surprisingly he said stuffs that made sense. lol but i still think that now isn't really the right time to have that attitude.
we should be focused :D
Anyway, i think holidays are better. I dread going to school so much nowadays ! :(
now damn no life ok. I hate it.
Thursday, July 16
Wednesday, July 15
It's so terrible to be in school and face everyone.
I laughed umpteen times from when I reached home. lol
but mostly is self-enetertain.
Okay i love my family so much ! :D
Thanks Dova. Hope we can stand by each other for as long as we can.
I love you :)
Going to private soon !
Tuesday, July 14
I've changed so much. So much I can't even recgonize myself.
People around me are asking why am I acting this way. I wonder myself too. WHY?
I used to laugh so hard I couldn't stop. I used to laugh with my heart. I used to laugh truthfully.
Not for the sake of laughing and cooperating with the others.
Nobody can make me feel assured. Maybe only my family. I feel so real with them.
Only when I'm with them, I am the real me. You understand ?
I hate it. I can't even out myself into just a mere smile. Those constant reminders annoy me so much.
I miss the beautiful past. All I'm left with is just pictures and a vivid memory of what had happened.
Why are we feigning ignorance to the drift...
Sunday, July 12
Too many stuffs I don't feel like sharing . What's the point when people don't understand. This sounds so pessimistic but seriously not. Just feeling kind of tired to post about my daily life .
Im so happy with life but your appearance always turns my mood 360 degrees around. It tires me out. And also the un-assurance of me having those feelings also kills. It's to scary to see things turn out this way and even worst than what you expected.
It is also tragic to have the need to leave those happy times behind and face the cruel reality. Bet nobody knows what Im saying . Frankly. Neither do i.
I just wna spell it out not really clearly but quite too. This is a post you guys may want to miss out. It doesn't really bring entertainment.
For and because Im somebody who somehow can't pluck up the courage and pour out my problems to anybody. Nobody. Being used to something doesn't really feels too. Because it's numb anyway.
Everytime I scroll down the contact list, it seems like there's zero contacts. If i have the chance, I would fly to Bhutan. Only Bhutan has the peace and serenity i want. In a city like this, is way tooo difficult for me to settle down and work hard for my goals and laugh out with my heart.
From the above paragraphs you may conclude that I have a weird personality. But still , don't judge the book by it's cover.
Friday, July 10
I still ...
Ive always been happy with life .
And thanks =D
Wednesday, July 8
Monday, July 6
I like to smile , who doesn't ?
Kind of weird . But thats the only place the music won't be stopped halfway .
And I guess some wont be able to hear the music.
So pls do me a favour , if you cant hear the music tag me to tell me so .
Tks ! ;)
I thought I could find a display picture to put at my profile column .
Then I realized .. I rarely have a picture of myself ! lol
Okay maybe this says that Im not as zilian . Ha
I have upcoming tests to study for. Im so sorry ! ;(
Next . I think this english assignment is seriously wasting my time .
I have no idea how to continue the mindmap on Celebrity . I only wrote a whole chunk on JJ Lin's column by now. HAHA
Ok. I know I have to put in effort in my work.
And I have the urge to do so many stuffs ! Badly.
1. Barbecue :(
2. Cycling
3. Eat pizza :D
4. To be able to laze around for one whole day with no worries. :)
5. cut my hair.. into.....
You guys must have seen this picture at my disclaimer alre right ? :)
I think this is a super chio hairstyle lor. lol
But studies first. Thus , I have to put all this aside for the moment .
Anyway , I have something to share with you guys . :D
How to score 100 ?
For people who are born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th and 29th.
If you can study with a group of friends, it would be better. Because in the process of coaching your friends, it is also a practice for yourself.
You like to do stuffs based on your mood. The more you should use your time wisely. And prepare for your exams on an earlier date.
Adapted from I-weekly
Btw I will try find a spot to place my music asap. :)
Friday, July 3
Finally found one's that simple and nice .
Btw encounter smth funny just now .
Some mushroom on msn thot I lock up the nudge and wink.
And asked me how I did it.
Then I was like , haha . I using the outdated msn la . Stupid.
Then mushroom said how I know, you never put on outdated msn now.
Lol ! Damn hilarious Okay ! made me laugh like mad.
And the man coming later on at night to help us fix the stuffs. Can't wait !
Anyway, today was damn wasted okay , wanted to study . But in the end,
spending time away w/o studying . ):
And Im so addictive to the game in Alvin's phone . haha . Name Thomas smth one..
Bet he wont allow me to use it next time . He not gentleman one. Lol .
And guess what ? Today's a friday ! Pardon me for being so retarded .
I love fridays . Partly because can wear polo tee :D lol
Okay , and something to share :
Melanie (age 5) asked her Granny how old she was.
Granny replied she was so old she didn't remember any more.
Melanie said, "If you don't remember you must look in the back of your panties. Mine say five to six."
Haha . Got this from :) Really interesting . most importantly, it kills time .
Lastly. gg to private soon . So pls leave down your blogger email if you want to be invited .
either by tagging, text or in msn . :)
Not a private blog at all . Just doesn't wants to public it.
Open to all who're interested . haha
Thursday, July 2
My eyes felt droopy today, couldn't open it to the fullest lol . I wonder why .
I'm feeling happy for the past two days due to some incidents .
Hah, and tks for the text . It cheers me up , it's been quite a while since we had such a chat , isn't it ? :)
Gonna study tmrw , with alvin and yihui i think . I hope that alvin wouldn't bomb last minute !
And also really gonna work hard alre . It may seem early , but people pls don't cry when time ain't enough k !
Oh and called Joey just now, had a short chat . Can't wait to see her sooon !
It seems like we've not been meeting up with one another for a year . lol
Ramzanah was damn lame ok , Mr Hasyim also . I was laughing non-stop :D
Get well soon dear ! Love you :)
Omg . Im craving so badly for pizza !
Hopefully I can have pizza delivered to my house tmrw . Hees ;)
Speaking of pizza , Im feeling a little hungry .
Im unsure of __ ________ too.
Here's some pictures in school.
There's more. But wait.
Damn pissed. Sometimes she can be really annoying.